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Adolescence and Puberty

di Bancroft - Reinisch  • 1991  • dettagli prodotto

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This wide-ranging volume presents an in-depth picture of adolescent sexuality and behaviour. As perhaps the most vital period in human development, adolescence is a time of complex, often difficult interactions between diverse influences. Here, nineteen scientists representing ten disciplines explore the biological, psychological, and cultural factors involved in the onset of puberty and its associated emotional changes. Patterns of adolescent sexual behavior are viewed in cross-cultural perspective, psychiatric disorders are considered, and trends in adolescent sexual activity, contraception, and pregnancy are described. Key legal and social dilemmas are also explained. This is the third volume in an outstanding series from the Kinsey Institute which has as its aim the study of topics relating to sex, gender, and reproduction that require an interdisciplinary approach. Previous volumes in the series include Homosexuality/Heterosexuality and Masculinity/Feminity.


ISBN: 9780195053364

Titolo: Adolescence and Puberty


Editore: Oxford University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 1991

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 316