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Anesthesia in Cosmetic Surgery

di Friedberg  • 2007  • dettagli prodotto

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One major by-product of the aging baby-boom generation has been a surging interest in cosmetic surgery. Out-patient cosmetic surgery clinics have sprouted up in droves all over the U.S., and the number of cosmetic procedures performed in 2005 increased by over 95% from the previous year. Although procedures like facelifts and abdominoplasties (the 'tummy-tuck') are considered minimally invasive, the anesthetic protocols and regimens here are often overly complex and unnecessarily toxic. Major complications involving anesthesia in this (and any other) surgical milieu can range from severe post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) to neuromuscular spasticity to mortality. The mortality spectrum of things may be rare, but there have been many cases in which perfectly healthy cosmetic surgery patients require emergency intervention due to a severe complication involving anesthesia. In recent years, many new anesthetic protocols have been developed to reduce the incidence of PONV and other complications, while ensuring that effective pain management and level of 'un-awareness' during surgery is always maintained. Table of Contents Part I. Minimally Invasive Anesthesia (MIA) for Minimally Invasive Surgery: Preface Adam F. DorinIntroduction C. Philip LarsonEditor's notes Barry L. Friedberg1. Propofol ketamine with bispectral index (BIS) monitoring Barry L. Friedberg2. Preoperative instructions, intra-operative environment Barry L. Friedberg3. Level of consciousness monitoring Scott D. Kelley4. The dissociative effect and pre-emptive analgesia Barry L. Friedberg5. Special needs of cosmetic dental patients James A. Snyder6. PK in the UK, PK beyond cosmetic surgery Chris Pollock7. PK beyond cosmetic surgery: uses of PK MAC for mass casualty situations Joel McMasters8. Lidocaine toxicity Adam F. Dorin9. Local anesthetic blocks in head and neck surgery Joseph Niamtu10. Local anesthetics and surgical considerations for body contouring Roger PieletPart II. Alternative Anesthesia Approaches in Cosmetic Surgery: 11. Intravenous anesthesia for cosmetic surgery David Barinholtz12. Regional anesthesia for cosmetic surgery Susan Steele and Holly Evans13. General inhalation anesthesia for cosmetic surgery Meena DesaiPart III. Other Considerations for Anesthesia in Cosmetic Surgery: 14. Preanesthetic assessment of the cosmetic surgery patient Norm Levin15. The psychology of the cosmetic surgical patient David Sarwer16. The business of the office anesthesia Marc Koch17. The politics of office anesthesia David Barinholtz18. Staying out of trouble: the medicolegal perspective Ann LofskyAppendix A. A guide to perioperative nutrition David RahmAppendix B. Reflections on 30 years as a defense expert witness Norig Ellison


ISBN: 9780521870900

Titolo: Anesthesia in Cosmetic Surgery


Editore: Cambridge University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2007

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 22x28 cm

Peso: 1 kg