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Electrocardiography Review - A Case - Based Approach

di Rimmerman  • 2012  • dettagli prodotto

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For hundreds of Cardiovascular fellows (and potentially thousands of Maintenance of Certification clinicians recertifying), the ECG section on the cardiovascular medicine boards creates the greatest amount of anxiety and perceived vulnerability on behalf of the test takers. The board exam requires a compulsory passing score in the ECG subsection to pass the overall certifying exam. To meet the needs of this market, the author has created 150 case studies from his files at the Cleveland Clinic. Each case will appear on a landscaped spread with the ECG on the left and a clinical history below it; the supporting explanatory text will appear on the right. For each case, the author has created a section titled “Key Board Examination Coding Tips”—exactly what test takers are looking for. A short appendix, “Keys to a Passing Score” will inform fellows on the American Board of Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Medicine Certifying Exam ECG Subsection. Diagnostic key words and the index refer directly to the American Board of Internal Medicine test scoring sheet.


ISBN: 9781451149470

Titolo: Electrocardiography Review - A Case - Based Approach


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2012

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 336

Peso: 0.8 kg