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copertina di Cosmetic surgery today

Cosmetic surgery today

di Panfilov  • 2005  • dettagli prodotto

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For millennia, men and women have turned to surgical and cosmetic aids in the pursuit of well-being through physical beauty. Indeed many of the procedures performed by today?s aesthetic plastic surgeons have their origins in places and cultures as remote as ancient Egypt and Rome. Written with candor and compassion, Cosmetic Surgery Today presents clear descriptions of the latest techniques, including face lifting, nose correction, liposuction, breast augmentation, reconstructive surgery, procedures specifically for male patients, hair transplantation, and many more. Before-and-after photos clearly show what is involved in each procedure. Cosmetic Surgery Today provides the background necessary for an intelligent, informed discussion about aesthetic surgery that will interest not only potential patients, but also medical professionals in other fields, journalists, stylists, make-up artists, and anyone interested in this much-discussed, but often poorly understood field. Packed with accessible, practical information, this unique resource is a fascinating exploration of the true nature of beauty and well-being and the vital role aesthetic surgery can play in achieving it.


ISBN: 9783131391414

Titolo: Cosmetic surgery today


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2005

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 217