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Medical Sciences at a Glance

di Randall  • 2014  • dettagli prodotto

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The definitive companion for medical science study and revision. Medical Sciences at a Glance consolidates the scientific knowledge a student needs to know to provide a solid framework of key facts to build on. Concise, easy to follow, written specifically for medical students, and using the unique at a Glance style to convey key concepts, Medical Sciences at a Glance also demonstrates vital links between different topics and across systems. It is the perfect resource for bridging the gap between A-Level and university, studying a new topic, revising for exams, or refreshing knowledge while on placement. Medical Sciences at a Glance provides the vital scientific grounding needed to succeed at medical school.


ISBN: 9781118360927

Titolo: Medical Sciences at a Glance


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2014

Collana: At a glance

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 160