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Sleep and Movement Disorders

di Chokroverty - Hening - Walters  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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Sleep and Movement Disorders is the second edition of a successful book that was the first of its kind. Since its publication in 2002, significant progress has been made in our understanding of motor control in sleep and the relationship between sleep and movement disorders. All three editors are authorities on the subject and have assembled expert specialists for their chapter authors. The topic is very timely, the latest edition of the International classification of sleep disorders (ICSD-2, 2005) included a separate category of 'Sleep Related Movement Disorders' emphasizing the increasing awareness of sleep-related movements and the importance of recognizing sleep-related movement disorders for diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. This is a comprehensive resource, including all findings from the last 8 years of research.


ISBN: 9780199795161

Titolo: Sleep and Movement Disorders


Editore: Oxford University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 595