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Lippincott' s Review for NCLEX - PN

di Timby - Rupert  • 2014  • dettagli prodotto

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The most popular Q&A review for the NCLEX-PN is now fully revised and updated to the new NCLEX-PN test plan. In addition to challenging questions and detailed rationales, each questions also features a "Test-Taking Strategy" to help students break down the question to its core components in order to identify the correct answer. This valuable study guide presents over 2,100 questions through subject-oriented review tests and two comprehensive examinations. Questions and rationales have been revised and coded, and the exam introduction has been updated according the latest NCLEX-PN test plan.


ISBN: 9781469845340

Titolo: Lippincott' s Review for NCLEX - PN


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: X 2014

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x28 cm

Pagine: 688