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Systemic functional linguistic approach to PILs ( Patient Information Leaflets )

di Meola  • 2015  • dettagli prodotto

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Patient empowerment and involvement have become increasingly important within the health sector. There has been a lot of focus on patient information, and a document such as the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) has been the subject of an ongoing discussion for several years. This study examines a corpus of PILs within a systemic functional linguistic (SFL) framework to evaluate the moves and other features of this genre. The overall aim of this study is whether current PILs meet the needs of patients from a linguistic point of view, and to assess their readability. The leaflets have been investigated with reference to genre, discourse semantics, and lexico-grammar. The visual features of layout and design have also been explored by taking account of the legal requirements and by applying linguistic theories. The findings show that most of the PILs analysed follow the standard text structure and display plain language features in accordance with a user-friendly and patient-centered approach.


ISBN: 9788854877467

Titolo: Systemic functional linguistic approach to PILs ( Patient Information Leaflets )


Editore: Aracne

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2015

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 17x24 cm

Pagine: 256