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Complex Knee Ligament Injuries - From Diagnosis to Management

di Margheritini - Espregueira Mendes - Gobbi  • 2019  • dettagli prodotto

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This book, featuring a practical hands-on format, describes an up-to-date and comprehensive approach to the management of complex knee injuries. The aim is both to equip practitioners with reliable expert guidance and to foster consensus in a field characterized by continuing debate. Initial response and diagnostic evaluation are explained, surgical techniques appropriate for different injuries are fully documented, and advice is provided on the response to injuries in specific scenarios and patient groups. Emphasis is placed on the vital role of precise diagnosis in establishing the optimal treatment approach, and full account is taken of the implications of the most recent anatomical and biomechanical data. Readers will also find recommendations on controversial topics, including the role of early surgical management, the use of autograft or allograft tissue, and the benefits of reconstruction (as opposed to repair alone) of the fibular collateral ligament and posterolateral corner structures. The authors are leading authorities from around the world with extensive clinical and research expertise in the field of knee dislocations.


ISBN: 9783662582442

Titolo: Complex Knee Ligament Injuries - From Diagnosis to Management


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2019

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 209

Peso: 0.7 kg