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Dental management of obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA ) . A practical manual

di Milano - Gracco - Di Giosia  • 2020  • dettagli prodotto

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Obstructive Sleep apnea syndrome (osas) is a very common disease, often undiagnosed. It increase the risk of Heart attack, Stroke, arterial hypertension and diabetes and affects a very large percentage of population. In this context an odontologist expert in Sleep medicine plays a pivotal role for being the potential first filter in identifying the problem as well as the promotore of modern and effective therapeutic hypotheses. The text has a very precise structure. The first chapter enables the dentist to understand in detail Sleep disorders, their Signs, Symptoms and the necessary tools to formulate a correct diagnosis. The central part of the text describes the different therapeutic hypotheses that may require the role of pneumologists, ear, Nose and throat Specialists, maxillo-facciale surgeons and neurologists. Finally, the last four chapters depict the clinical dental approach, the different kinds of devices and their management. Particularly interesting is the last chapter with the description of some clinical cases from anamnesis to follow-up. Here the authors aimed to illustrate thoroughly the different passages distinguishing the multidisciplinary approach addressed to patients affected by osas.


ISBN: 9788821452048

Titolo: Dental management of obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA ) . A practical manual


Editore: Edra

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2020

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 22x28 cm

Pagine: 360

Peso: 1.6 kg