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di Malanga - Nadler  • 2002  • dettagli prodotto

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Cervical whiplash injuries continue to be a common problem throughout the industrialized world. Despite recent scientific developments, unhelpful treatment of whiplash injuries such as prolonged immobilization, passive modalities, and unnecessary surgery exist. Many patients with chronic pain are labelled as having "psychological problems." Overtreatment and excessive use of diagnostic imaging are common. Relatively recent developments in this field, backed by extensive study, have initiated an evolution in the treatment of whiplash injury. Table of Contents: 1. Whiplash: A Continuing Dilema in the 21st Century2. Anatomy of the Cervical Spine3. The Biomechanics ofWhiplash4. The Pathophysiology of Whiplash5. Whiplash-Associated Disorders: Prognosis After Injury6. New Concepts in Head Restraint Technology in the Prevention of Whiplash Injury7. The Clinical Picture of Whiplash Injury8. Whiplash-Related Headache 9. Mandibular Whiplash10. Whiplash-Induced Cervical Facet Joint Syndrome11. Cervical Disc Pain and Radiculopathy After Whiplash12. Spinal Cord Injury Following Motor Vehicle Accidents13. Mild Traumatic Brain Injuryand Postconcussion Syndrome14. Myofascial Pain After Whiplash Injury15. PsychologicalFactors in the Treatment of Chronic Pain Associated with Whiplash16. Imaging of Whiplash Injuries17. The Electrodiagnosis Evaluation of Whiplash Injuries: A Practical Approach18. Rehabilitation of Whiplash Injuries19. The Role of Chiropractic Treatment in Whiplash Injury20. Medications in the Treatment of Whiplash-Associated Disorders21. Interventional Spine Procedures for Cervical Whiplash22. Complementary Medicine in the Treatment of Whiplash Injuries23. Late Whiplash Syndrome: Current Psychological Theory and Practice24. Surgical Indications Following Whiplash Injury25. The Legal System and Soft Tissue Injuries26. The Future of Whiplash-Associated InjuriesINDEX


ISBN: 9781560534389

Titolo: Whiplash


Editore: Elsevier - Hanley and Belfus

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2002

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 460

Peso: 0.8 kg