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Mosby' s Orthodontic Review

di English - Peltomaki - Pham Litschel  • 2014  • dettagli prodotto

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With a concise, focused review of orthodontic concepts and current clinical information, including diagnosis, treatment planning, and clinical treatment, MOSBY'S ORTHODONTIC REVIEW is the resource you need to achieve the best results for success on competency examinations as well as excellent clinical outcomes. From foundational concepts to more subjective areas of treatment planning and clinical treatment, this book includes a wealth of information from distinguished educators, recent graduates, and practicing professionals to help you prepare for the NBDE, Part II and the ABO written and clinical examinations. In addition, the companion CD-ROM includes six orthodontic cases written in the format required by the ABO for the Initial Clinical Examination to help familiarize you with the required ABO format."This book can be highly recommended; it is good value for money and gives a comprehensive overview of the subject. The publication is suitable for general dentist with an interest in orthodontics, postgraduate students of the subject as well as specialists." Reviewed by: European Journal of Orthodontics March 2015"..suitable for general dentist with an interest in orthodontics, postgraduate students of the subject as well as specialists." Reviewed by Stephanie Oiknine on behalf of European Journal of Orthodontics, February 2015" ... this volume for orthodontics is timely." Reviewed by Dr. Niall McGuinness on behalf of Orthodontics, March 2015New to this editionNEW Appropriate Timing for Correction of Malocclusions chapter addresses craniofacial growth and development and dentitional development, helping select the proper timing of orthodontic treatment for different problems. NEWVertical Dimensions and Anterior Open Bite chapter covers the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of different types of vertical problems, with case studies varying in the cause and severity of the problems, and with individualized treatment plans based on the functional and skeletal requirements of each patient. NEW Three-Dimensional Update on Clinical Orthodontic Issues chapter addresses the key clinical issues answered with the use of digital models and cone beam CT (CBCT), which is becoming the standard for the investigation of the maxillofacial structures in all three dimensions of the space — especially in orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery. NEW editor Dr. Sercan Akyalcin brings expertise as an award-winning educator and well-respected reviewer for orthodontics journals.


ISBN: 9780323186964

Titolo: Mosby' s Orthodontic Review


Editore: Elsevier - Mosby

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2014

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 368

Peso: 1 kg