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Pain Models: Translational Relevance and Applications

di Handwerker - Arendt Nielson  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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The neurobiology and mechanisms discovered in animals often do not translate to patients with a chronic pain condition. To help researchers and clinicians develop and use models that can help translate data from animals into humans, this book presents experimental animal models, with a focus on how they may translate into humans human experimental pain models, including details about pain induction and assessment human surrogate pain models clinical applications of pain models models that may link mechanisms of pain and pruritus. Pain Models contains 29 chapters by internationally recognized experts. It is a comprehensive survey of pain models at different levels, and commentaries by clinicians directly address clinical perspectives. This unique book is unprecedented in its content. It's a quick reminder of the hard work needed to investigate the complex issue of pain perception. With the advent of increasingly sensitive noninvasive investigational tools, the authors want readers to know that basic research is still needed to help develop new drugs. This book will enrich anyone who wishes to know all that goes into conducting pain research with a lab-based pain model.


ISBN: 9780931092947

Titolo: Pain Models: Translational Relevance and Applications


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 450