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Mosby' s Oncology Nursing Advisor - A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Practice

di Newton - Hickey - Marrs  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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Get quick access to the most important information surrounding cancer and oncology nursing care with Mosby’s Oncology Nursing Advisor, 2nd Edition. Covering everything from the various types of cancer and cancer treatment options to patient education and nursing best-practices, this indispensable nursing guide is like getting seven books in one! Plus, its user-friendly layout and straightforward coverage make it ideal for use in any clinical setting. With 17 new chapters, updated evidence-based content throughout, and proven patient teaching handouts, this new edition offers the authoritative guidance you need to provide the best possible oncology nursing care.


ISBN: 9780323375634

Titolo: Mosby' s Oncology Nursing Advisor - A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Practice


Editore: Elsevier - Mosby

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 22x28 cm

Pagine: 528

Peso: 1.2 kg