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Psychiatric Interviewing and Assessment

di Poole - Higgo  • 2017  • dettagli prodotto

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Interviewing and assessment are integral to the practice of psychiatry, and this book helps psychiatrists and other mental health professionals develop the skills needed to gain the right information to make diagnostic formulations and build therapeutic relationships with their patients. The text examines common dilemmas and problems in an engaging and accessible way, and the use of case studies relates the principles discussed to identifiable psychiatric settings. This new edition has been revised and expanded to reflect changes in clinical practice in recent years. New chapters have been added covering the assessment of neurodevelopmental disorders, fragmented interviews and 'impossible' clinical situations such as the assessment of intoxicated patients and rhetorical interviews. Essential reading for all mental health professionals, the practical grounding in real-world clinical experience will benefit trainee psychiatrists, experienced clinicians, nurses, social workers and physician associates.Clinical examples give real-world context to the principles discussed, enabling easy application of the information in a practical wayCovers a wide range of clinical practice and mental disorders, making this a comprehensive text providing information on all essential aspects of psychiatric interviewing and assessmentExamines dilemmas in everyday practice and is concerned with clinical skills and professional behaviour, helping the reader to find ways of resolving real problems while avoiding common pitfalls in clinical interviews and professional relationships


ISBN: 9781316614037

Titolo: Psychiatric Interviewing and Assessment


Editore: Cambridge University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2017

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 240