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Pseudophakic Monovision - A Clinical Guide

di Zhang - Sugar - Barrett  • 2018  • dettagli prodotto

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Pseudophakic Monovision: A Clinical Guide by renowned ophthalmologic surgery experts Fuxiang Zhang, Alan Sugar, and Graham Barrett reflects decades of robust academic research, with comprehensive discussion of the pseudophakic lens. Pseudophakic monovision is frequently used as a strategy for presbyopia correction in cataract surgery patients, with high satisfaction rates. The authors address the advantages and drawbacks to this approach, with topics ranging from the optics and neurophysiology of monovision to preoperative vision testing and counseling. The book fills a gap in the literature on this essential yet relatively neglected topic.
In the current era of an ever-expanding array of intraocular lenses inserted in cataract surgery, monovision correction is emerging as an efficacious, far less expensive method for managing presbyopia than multifocal lenses. One eye is corrected for optimal distance vision and the other for optimal near vision, thereby avoiding both the expense of multifocal lenses and inconvenience of wearing glasses and/or contact lenses. Emerging adjustable IOLs address eye dominance issues, enabling patients to attain excellent distance acuity in one eye, then select the amount of myopia that works best in the second eye.


ISBN: 9781626238930

Titolo: Pseudophakic Monovision - A Clinical Guide


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2018

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida