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Oxford Desk Reference: Endocrinology

di Turner - Eastell - Grossman  • 2018  • dettagli prodotto

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Oxford Desk Reference: Endocrinology provides easy access to evidence-based materials for quick consultation but also provides an in-depth expert reference for clinical practice. It covers the process of diagnosis, investigation, and management, as well as information for patients. Internationally-renowned experts have brought together evidence, guidelines and their clinical expertise to put trustworthy support at your fingertips.
The vast spectrum of endocrine disorders are clearly laid out in self-contained topics for easy reference. Chapters build bridges between pathogenesis, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis and investigation to aid understanding. Careful consideration is given to establishing a diagnosis including the recognition, investigation and management of the rarer diagnoses. The practical treatment of everyday endocrine disorders and the management of life-long conditions are outlined in clear protocols.
Chapters are organised by endocrine glands, disorders and syndromes and there are sections on the involvement of hormones in other specialities including endocrine oncology. The continuity from childhood to adolescent and adult endocrinology as well as the needs of older patients is explored in specific sections. Dedicated chapters cover the important roles endocrine specialist nurses play in patient management, and dietetic advice.


ISBN: 9780199672837

Titolo: Oxford Desk Reference: Endocrinology


Editore: Oxford University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: U 2018

Collana: Oxford Desk Reference Series

Lingua: Italiano

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 17x24 cm

Pagine: 544

Peso: 1.2 kg