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Dysphagia - Clinical Management in Adults and Children

di Groher - Crary  • 2020  • dettagli prodotto

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Master the evaluation and treatment of swallowing disorders! Dysphagia: Clinical Management in Adults and Children, 3rd Edition provides the information you need to diagnose and manage dysphagia in patients of all ages. Emphasizing evidence-based practice, this complete resource covers topics from esophageal disorders to respiratory and iatrogenic disorders. This edition adds a new Aging and Dysphagia chapter and is updated with the latest research and advances in dysphagia management. Written by speech-language pathology educators Michael E. Groher and Michael A. Crary, this guide helps you develop clinical reasoning skills and learn today’s best practices in dysphagia management. New to this edition • NEW! Aging and Dysphagia chapter examines the increasing evidence that older persons living at home may be at risk for dysphagia without any overt underlying disease. • UPDATED! Treatment for Adults chapter is thoroughly revised. • NEW! Clinical Pearls highlight key information that you need to know to prepare for the clinical setting. • UPDATED content and references throughout reflect the latest research in the field.


ISBN: 9780323636483

Titolo: Dysphagia - Clinical Management in Adults and Children


Editore: Elsevier - Mosby

Volume: Unico

Edizione: III 2020

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 28x22 cm

Pagine: 386