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Baran and Dawber 's Diseases of the Nails and their Management

di Baran - de Berker - Holzberg  • 2019  • dettagli prodotto

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The fifth edition of Baran & Dawber's Diseases of the Nails and their Management continues to offer an encyclopedic account of the human nail that is unparalleled in its detail and scope. With contributions from some of the world s leading dermatologists, the book's exhaustive coverage encompasses the cosmetic and therapeutic management of every form of nail disease. High-quality images and diagrams illustrate and enhance this essential reference guide, while easy-to-navigate sub-chapters help you to find the information you need quickly and accurately.  This book: • Is edited by Professor Robert Baran, the world's leading expert on the human nail, together with a team of world-renowned experts from across Europe and North America • Provides clinical information on all nail diseases • Aids differential diagnosis by color, shape, and location • Contains over 1,500 images • Includes access to a companion website featuring downloadable images and videos of nail proceduresWhether they are new to the field or have been practicing for years, dermatologists, podiatrists, and all of those managing patients with nail diseases should have a copy of Baran & Dawber's Diseases of the Nails and their Management at their disposal.


ISBN: 9781119323358

Titolo: Baran and Dawber 's Diseases of the Nails and their Management


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: V 2019

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 28x43 cm

Pagine: 1000

Peso: 2.6 kg