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Clinical Cases in Cardiac Electrophysiology - Supraventricular Arrhythmias

di Muresan  • 2023  • dettagli prodotto

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This is the first of a three-volume project aimed at providing unique case reports (20 cases per volume) of a large number of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias encountered in clinical practice. The book is focused on the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias, namely focal atrial tachycardias, typical and atypical AVNRT and accessory pathways (both manifest and concealed).
All presented-cases were performed using the CARTO electro-anatomical mapping system, which allows the reader to better understand the arrhythmia features due to the high number of images provided.
A large number of high-quality figures, which represent the core of the authors’ work, enrich the contents: all cases are built around suggestive figures acquired during the patients’ hospitalization, which clearly illustrate important concepts used in catheter ablation of cardiac arrhythmias.
The figures are not only related to the catheter ablation procedure, but also to the patient history, thus helping the reader to place the invasive treatment of the arrhythmias into clinical context: electrocardiograms, Holter ECGs, signal-averaged ECGs, chest X-Rays, transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography images, MRI, CT scans, coronary angiography images are provided when considered relevant, in order to better present the patient’s condition.
Short videoclips with activation maps of the atria or the ventricles during the studied arrhythmia complete the information provided.Teaching-oriented, all chapters include questions and answers and key messages at the end of each case.
For this reason, it will be an invaluable tool for cardiologists, clinical cardiac electrophysiologists, and interventional cardiac electrophysiologists in training, but also for all those interested in learning more about the subject.


ISBN: 9783031073595

Titolo: Clinical Cases in Cardiac Electrophysiology - Supraventricular Arrhythmias


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Primo

Edizione: 2023

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 19x24,5 cm

Pagine: 291

Peso: 0.6 kg