Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine - Science and Tradition
di Wynn - Marsden • 2002 • dettagli prodotto
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This practical guide synthesizes the types of treatment available for specific diseases. It is a handy reference that provides readers with an understanding of complementary and alternative treatment options for more than 130 common disease states and describes a variety of possible approaches to small animal disorders. Concentrating on nutrition, herbs, traditional Chinese medicines, and physical therapies, the authors present both tradition- and evidence-based therapies for disorders not always responsive to conventional therapies. Table of Contents:Part One Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine1. The meat and potatoes of Chinese medicine: the cooking pot analogy2. Chinese medicine as a basis for an alternative medical approachPart Two Clinical Strategies by Organ System3. Therapies for behavior disorders4. Therapies for cardiovascular disorders5. Therapies for dermatologic disorders6. Therapies for digestive disorders7. Therapies for ear diseases8. Therapies for endocrine disorders9. Therapies for hematologic and immunologic disorders10. Therapies for infectious diseases11. Therapies for liver diseases 12. Therapies for musculoskeletal disorders13. Therapies for neoplastic disorders14. Therapies for neurologic disorders15. Therapies for ophthalmologic disorders16. Therapies for respiratory disorders17. Therapies for reproductive disorders18. Therapies for urologic disordersAppendix A Guidelines for Homemade DietsAppendix B Chinese Food Therapy Appendix C Suggested Oral Herb DosesAppendix D Chinese Herb Cross Reference TableAppendix E Acupuncture Points
ISBN: 9780323013543
Titolo: Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine - Science and Tradition
Autori: Wynn - Marsden
Editore: Elsevier - Mosby
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2002
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 12x18 cm
Pagine: 768
Peso: 0.8 kg