Obstetrics and Gynecology in Chinese Medicine
di Maciocia • 2011 • dettagli prodotto
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New edition of the most comprehensive Chinese Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology textbook in the English language World-renowned author and teacher Giovanni Maciocia gives a clear, detailed explanation of the physiology, pathology and aetiology of women's disorders in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and adapts these to Western conditions and patients. Seventy gynecological conditions are discussed in detail with consideration given to differentiation between conditions, the advised treatment using acupuncture and herbs, prevention and prognosis. Guidelines on lifestyle and use of the eight Extraordinary Vessels are provided, with case studies allowing easy application of theory to practice throughout. New for this edition: New attractive two-colour layout with book marks to ease navigationEndometriosis and its treatment now included and fully covered in a new chapter Infertility chapter includes recent research highlighting factors in infertility All prescriptions now removed from the text and attractively presented in three appendices: Patient Remedies, Prescriptions and Three Treasure Remedies "Obstetrics and Gynecology in Chinese Medicine is a paradigmatic work. It is tempered with reverence and innovation, meticulous archival attention and detailed modern clinical insight. When future generations look back at this workâ€≈they will find not only knowledge and wisdom but also reasons for inspiration and awe."From the Foreword to the first edition by Ted J. Kaptchuk, Associate Director, Centre for Alternative Medicine Research, Beth Israel Hospital; Instructor in Medicine, Harvard medical School, Boston, USA
ISBN: 9780443104220
Titolo: Obstetrics and Gynecology in Chinese Medicine
Autori: Maciocia
Editore: Elsevier - Churchill Livingstone
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2011
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 18x24 cm
Pagine: 1092
Peso: 3 kg