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Articular Cartilage Injury of the Knee : Basic Science to Surgical Repair

di Stannard - Cook - Farr  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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Articular Cartilage Injury of the Knee is a comprehensive reference that combines the basic scientific knowledge of articular cartilage as it relates to patient health and disease with patient-focused diagnosis and treatment options. This book emphasizes the importance of bridging the divide between basic science and clinical applications in order to select the best possible treatment when injuries occur.Key Features:Provides clinically-relevant information on each topic that can easily be applied in practiceShowcases the latest techniques in transplantation and scaffolds for cartilage repairIncludes a focused chapter on assessment outcomes after cartilage repair of the kneeWritten and edited by leading orthopedic surgeons and basic science experts who represent the most current philosophy of effective management of articular cartilage injury of the kneeOrthopedic surgeons specializing in the lower extremity will find this book to be an excellent resource that they can consult to guide them in the treatment of patients with articular cartilage injury of the knee.


ISBN: 9781604068580

Titolo: Articular Cartilage Injury of the Knee : Basic Science to Surgical Repair


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 234