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Genetics and orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics - Vol. 33

di Grippaudo - Greco - Sferra - Tiziano  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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The deciphering of the human genome is a major breakthrough in human knowledge. Orthodontics, an exquisitely medical discipline, is no exception to this categorical imperative on the subject of critical review of the genesis, of the biological evolution and the corrective treatment of maxillofacial bones disharmony.And this is precisely the intrinsic meaning of this monograph, which puts in the spotlight the close relationship between genetics and Orthodontics. These new achievements are fascinating not only in the specialized orthognatodontic field, but also in the organismic, because of the relations with organs apparently not connected with the stomatognathic system. To understand the significance of these issues not only from a specialists point of view but also of a medical one it’s enough to think about the psychological, aesthetic and metabolic correlations in an organism.After an interesting historical “excursus”, the modern concept of interpretation of the dysgnathia, intended as a phenotypic manifestation of the interaction between the genomic component and the environmental, peristatic factors, is masterfully outlined.Of particular interest is the chapter about “Growth centers” of maxillo-facial dynamic evolution: the focus in particular is on three-dimensional rotational movements, intended as secondary growth centers that modulate the movement of pre-and post-mandibular rotation.The other aspect, brought forth in great detail, concerns dental kinematics.The mechanical conception of the levers principles is obsolete: molecular biology, beyond any reasonable doubt, identifies the application of orthodontic forces as an initial factor in dental kinematics. The evolution and ultimate fate is modulated by the response of the DNA of the cells of the periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone.A special mention deserves the last chapter, that categorizes the relationship between the rate of tooth movement and corticotomy. The authors, with much wisdom, focus on the personalization of growth processes: biological evolution of tooth movement and the restoration of tissue homeostasis, in fact, are the prerogativeof the genome and the periodontal structures. The increased rate of tooth movement following corticotomy, remains an open problem in the literature.The monograph is rich in doctrine and clinical experience: it is a cornerstone of new knowledge and, at the the same time, an invaluable contribution that enriches the specialist literature. The exposition is clear and logical; the iconographic documentation highly educational.“You can go wrong in many ways: there is only one way to do well (Aristotle).”All my admiration goes to the authors who have been able to put the spotlight on a such actual issue.The authors deal with a subject that is a guaranteed success: the monograph is a valuable cultural tool in advancing the knowledge of the Orthognatodontist, the Stomatologist, the Doctor, the Student and the Experts of the discipline.


Titolo: Genetics and orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics - Vol. 33


Editore: Martina

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x30 cm

Pagine: 64

Peso: 0.3 kg