Orthodontic treatment in adult patienst- vol. 37
di Garattini - Bazzini - Boschian Pest • 2015 • dettagli prodotto
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Orthodontics is a field that was first pioneered in Italy in the 1950s by masters such as Professors E. Muzi, G. May and O. Hoffer. It subsequently grew and evolved, thanks to the creation of the first Italian Orthodontics Study Group (G.I.S.O. - 1967), the Italian Society of Orthodontics (S.I.D.O. - 1968), and Italy’s Postgraduate Schools of Orthodontics, beginning with Cagliari in 1973, but also as a result of the setting up of advanced courses and Masters’ degree courses. In this way, over several decades, having been launched by a handful of early pioneers, it evolved into a field involving several thousand professionals.Hence there emerged the need for the present series, made up entirely of monographs. In line with our approach, it was decided that, in this volume, ample space should be devoted to images, in order to facilitate its use as a reference book/ atlas, and thus encourage its practical application. The text, always concise, has been prepared with rigorous attention to its scientific and bibliographic content, and it is set out in an effective and logical way. It is easy to consult, thus enabling the reader to use it to its greatest advantage. To our deep satisfaction, a few years ago the series reached its “silver jubilee” 25th volume, from thereon advancing rapidly towards new milestones that were certainly more than could have been envisaged when, in 1996, the project tentatively got under way with the first volume. The merit for this achievement must certainly go to all of Italy’s various university schools of orthodontics and to the independent professionals of proven experience, who, over the years, have readily and enthusiastically supported the initiative, being prepared to pour the best results obtained in their specific fields of research into the highly significant monographs that have made it such a valuable collection. In more recent years, the series has been further enriched thanks to the important decision, stemming from the vision and courage of Dr Alfredo Martina and his children, Vincenzo and Nadia, to publish these volumes in two languages contemporaneously: English as well as Italian.
Titolo: Orthodontic treatment in adult patienst- vol. 37
Autori: Garattini - Bazzini - Boschian Pest
Editore: Martina
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2015
Collana: Orthodontic series
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 21x29 cm
Pagine: 72
Peso: 0.4 kg