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Contemporary Practical - Vocational Nursing

di Kurzen  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing is specifically written for the LPN/LVN student to provide a basic introduction to the nursing profession with an emphasis on life-long learning, leadership skills, and career planning. While the importance of a career in nursing and the value of service to others is woven throughout the text, the focus remains on preparing students with the crucial critical thinking skills they need to transition into a successful practice. This book will prepare LPN/LVNs to fully understand the complexities of their profession, communicate effectively, work as a member of a team, confront challenges in the workplace, and move forward into leadership roles. The eighth edition is completely updated with more NCLEX-PN-style chapter review questions, and new artwork throughout. The chapter on Leadership and Followership has been expanded to include how to approach change and conflict situations and diversification in the workplace. Contemporary Practical/VocationalNursing is the book all LPN/LVP students need to develop the practical knowledge and problem-solving skills for a successful career.


ISBN: 9781496307644

Titolo: Contemporary Practical - Vocational Nursing


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: VIII 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 448