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Procedures for Primary Care Provider

di Edmunds - Mayhew  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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Confidently perform the most common office procedures with Procedures for the Primary Care Provider, 3rd Edition. This practical, spiral-bound reference provides step-by-step illustrated guidelines for basic and advanced office procedures commonly performed by Nurse Practitioners and Physician’s Assistants. Each procedure follows a consistent format including a brief description of the procedure, a review of relevant anatomy and physiology, indications and contraindications, precautions, assessment, patient preparation, treatment alternatives, a list of equipment needed, and a step-by-step illustrated procedure. This third edition features nine new procedures, new illustrations, a more user-friendly full-color design, and much more.New to this editionUPDATED! Nine new procedures reflect the changing spectrum of primary care procedures, customer requests, and changes in NP and PA practice (*asterisk indicates advanced procedures requiring special education and/or certification):Jewelry removalFluoride varnish applicationFrenulectomyTrigger point injectionDislocation reduction: finger (DIP and PIP joints)Bladder scanning with ultrasoundEndometrial biopsy*Male circumcision (Gomco technique)*Manual detorsion of the testes*NEW! Red Flag alerts indicate when a procedure should be referred to a specialist.NEW and UPDATED! Additional and updated CPT billing codes, which are used frequently by NPs and PAs, reflect the most recent information.NEW! Brand new full-color, enhanced design, featuring procedure illustrations that fall within the boxed procedure steps, saves space and enhances learning.Convenient spiral binding lets you practice each procedure while keeping the book open for reference without contaminating your hands.NEW! Coverage of infection precautions, particularly in illustrations, stresses the importance and procedures of infection precaution.NEW! New illustrations are rendered in full color to improve your learning. Equipment photos have been replaced to show newer equipment, and selected photos have been replaced with higher-quality images.NEW! Updated procedure content throughout ensures currency and consistency with today's NP and PA scopes of practice and best practice guidelines.NEW! Handy new quick-reference tools, including an alphabetical list of procedures (with page numbers) inside the front cover and on the facing page and valuable reference information inside the back cover, improve navigation.Table of Contents:1. Issues Related to Primary Care Procedures2. Dermatologic Procedures3. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Mouth Procedures4. Respiratory Procedures5. Cardiovascular Procedures6. Gastrointestinal Procedures7. Orthopedic Procedures8. Genitourinary Procedures9. Women's Health Procedures10. Men’s Health Procedures 11. General Principles of Radiograph Interpretation


ISBN: 9780323340038

Titolo: Procedures for Primary Care Provider


Editore: Elsevier - Mosby

Volume: Unico

Edizione: III 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 432

Peso: 0.8 kg