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Landmark Papers in General Surgery

di MacKay - Molloy - O' Dwyer  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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Landmark Papers in General Surgery will give surgeons, surgical trainees and other healthcare professionals an expert appraisal of key papers, and fast access to the evidence base behind current clinical practice in General Surgery. Each chapter draws together a fascinating selection of the most important clinical trials across every subspecialty within General Surgery, as selected and appraised by a panel of experts. Organized according to a common format, each discussion offers a clear structure by which to appraise the medical literature. Following a background summary of each trial, experts discuss the impact of the research and critique the methods used, giving the reader rapid understanding of the paper's place within the wider field of research. This emphasis on the tools of critical appraisal is enhanced by an introductory chapter equipping the reader with the skills required to knowledgeably appraise a research paper.For clinicians needing to keep abreast of the vast scope of medical research, this book will prove an interesting and timesaving resource, but it will also appeal to allied health professionals keen to improve the depth of their understanding of surgery. By bringing together the evidence base with expert guidance on critical appraisal, higher surgical trainees preparing for the academic and specialty sections of the FRCS exit examination will also find the text invaluable as a means of consolidating and nuancing their knowledge.


ISBN: 9780199644254

Titolo: Landmark Papers in General Surgery


Editore: Oxford University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2013

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 17x24 cm

Pagine: 416