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Diet and Nutrition in Dementia and Cognitive Decline

di Martin - Preedy  • 2014  • dettagli prodotto

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Diet and Nutrition in Dementia and Cognitive Decline offers researchers and clinicians a single authoritative source which outlines the complex interrelationships between cognitive decline, dementia and the way diet can be modified to improve outcomes. In a cross-disciplinary field like dementia research and practice, clinicians and researchers need a comprehensive resource which will quickly help them identify a range of nutritional components and how they affect cognitive decline and the development of dementia.While the focus is on clinical applications, the book also features landmark and innovative preclinical studies that have served as the foundation of rigorous trials. Chapters explore the evidence of how nutritional components, either in the diet or supplements, can either impede the development to, or progression from, the onset of dementia. Authors investigate how conditions and processes overlap between defined conditions and present studies which show that dietary components may be equally effective in a number of conditions characterized by declining cognition or dementia. This book represents essential reading for researchers and practicing clinicians in nutrition, dietetics, geriatrics, nursing, neurology, and psychology, as well as researchers, such as neuroscientists, molecular and cellular biochemists, interested in dementia.


ISBN: 9780124078246

Titolo: Diet and Nutrition in Dementia and Cognitive Decline


Editore: Elsevier - Academic Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2014

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 1260

Peso: 3.6 kg