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Landmark Papers in Cardiovascular Medicine

di Myat - Gershlick  • 2012  • dettagli prodotto

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Landmark Papers in Cardiovascular Medicine provides a thorough and wide-ranging analysis of core examples of novel research, clinical trials and seminal papers published in the medical literature that have paved the way for breakthroughs in the management of the entire spectrum of cardiovascular disease. These papers may have produced positive, negative or equivocal findings but are regarded by the experts as having either stimulated a paradigm shift in therapeutic strategy or been the catalyst for new and improved methods of research, diagnosis or drug development. Our aim is to provide both a benchmark and inspiration for future work in the field of cardiovascular medicine and also to give the reader an insight into the mechanics and infrastructure of how high-quality evidence-based medicine has been produced. Each trial summary is punctuated by sections on 'strengths and limitations', 'impact on the field', 'learning points' and 'further reading' suggestions that allow for a completely holistic analysis of the data. The experts also give their views on what research is currently underway, their hopes for the future and what advances they predict will occur in each subspecialty field of cardiovascular medicine, making this book essential reading for all those individuals with an interest in the field.


ISBN: 9780199594764

Titolo: Landmark Papers in Cardiovascular Medicine


Editore: Oxford University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2012

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 18x24 cm

Pagine: 520