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Physical Activity Across the Lifespan - Prevention and Treatment for Health and Well - Being

di Meyer - Gullotta  • 2012  • dettagli prodotto

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The statistics are disturbing: steadily rising numbers of sedentary overweight children and obese teens, and a generation looking at a shorter life expectancy than their parents’. But while it may be obvious that physical fitness benefits both the mind and body, a growing research base is supplying evidence of why this is so, and how these benefits may be reproduced in greater numbers. Physical Activity Across the Lifespan makes a clear, scientific case for exercise, sports, and an active lifestyle in preventing illness and establishing lifetime health habits at both the individual and the population levels. The book focuses on key aspects of physical/mental well-being—weight, mood, and self-regulation—and the role of physical activity in public health and school-based interventions targeting these areas. Contributors review definitional and measurement issues salient to understanding what physical activity is, to analyzing benefits of participation, and to implementing effective interventions. Also addressed are limitations of current research, steps needed to continue building the field, and emerging therapeutic possibilities for activity, such as the role of rough and tumble play in preventing ADHD.


ISBN: 9781461436058

Titolo: Physical Activity Across the Lifespan - Prevention and Treatment for Health and Well - Being


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2012

Collana: Issues in Children' s and Families' Lives

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 276