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NeuroMuscular Taping - Treatment of Edemas, Hematomas and Scars ( English Edition )

di Blow  • 2018  • dettagli prodotto

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NeuroMuscular Taping is a non-invasive and non-pharmacological method that, through the application of adhesive elastic tape with specific mechanical and elastic properties, provides a mechanical stimulation capable of creating space within tissue. This space promotes cell metabolism, activates the body's natural healing mechanisms and normalizes neuromuscular proprioception.
The text presents types of applications and benefits of NeuroMuscular Taping, in particular LymphoTaping, to improve post-surgical and post-traumatic drainage. An in-depth theoretical section on the lymphatic and circulatory system supports and enriches the practical section. More than 90 information sheets of practical content explain in an analytical and detailed manner, thanks to the use of numerous images, the correct application of the NeuroMuscular decompressive-lymphatic taping technique on various parts of the body. Considerable space is devoted to the application technique on edemas, hematomas and scars, divided by types and characteristics.
The benefits of combining restricting lymphatic bandage with NeuroMuscular decompression taping technique are also illustrated with specific information sheets. A comprehensive discussion of several clinical cases with NeuroMuscular decompressive taping completes the work.


ISBN: 9788870515992

Titolo: NeuroMuscular Taping - Treatment of Edemas, Hematomas and Scars ( English Edition )


Editore: Edi-ermes

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2018

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 413

Peso: 3 kg