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Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain

di Jallo - Loftus  • 2018  • dettagli prodotto

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Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain, 2nd edition by renowned neurosurgeons Jack Jallo and Christopher Loftus incorporates salient components of the highly praised first edition. The updated text reflects cutting-edge discussion on traumatic brain injury management in a neurocritical care setting. Contributions from top experts in neurosurgery, neurology, critical care, cardiac and pulmonary care, and trauma surgery provide a concise review of a complex and evolving field.
The book lays a solid foundation with discussion of TBI classification, pathophysiology, key blood biomarkers, noninvasive neuromonitoring in severe TBI patients, multimodality monitoring in neurocritical care, and brain imaging modalities. From the prehospital setting to intensive care, top experts share clinical pearls and core guidelines on the management of mild, moderate, and severe TBI and complications. Chapters new to this edition include concomitant injuries, orbital/facial fractures, vascular injuries, spine fractures, autonomic dysfunction, and temperature management.


ISBN: 9781626233362

Titolo: Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2018

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 432