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Moderate and Deep Sedation in Clinical Practice

di Urman - Kaye  • 2017  • dettagli prodotto

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Millions of procedures requiring sedation are performed each year, covering a large array of medical specialties in both inpatient and outpatient settings. This tremendous growth has led to sedation being administered by a wide range of healthcare providers, including non-anesthesiologist physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners. Moderate and Deep Sedation in Clinical Practice is a concise, practical handbook for all medical and surgical professionals who sedate patients. This up-to-date, evidence-based 'how-to' manual instructs these professionals on how to evaluate patients, updates relevant pharmacology, and guides them on legal and quality assurance issues. It contains advice on sedation for specific populations, such as elderly, pediatric, ICU, emergency room, endoscopy, and reproductive technologies. Written and edited by experts in procedural sedation and sedation education, this book will help users develop safer techniques, policies, and procedures. It is essential reading for any healthcare provider administering moderate or deep sedation.Provides an updated, practical clinical manual for anyone involved in sedation, and is also relevant for any facility establishing a new procedural sedation program and educating practitionersContains contributions from a wide range of medical professionals to convey the latest developments, and highlights current best practices in the fieldIncludes all the latest guidelines, regulations, drugs, and techniques in an accessible format for the busy healthcare practitioner.


ISBN: 9781316626641

Titolo: Moderate and Deep Sedation in Clinical Practice


Editore: Cambridge University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2017

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 18x24 cm

Pagine: 380

Peso: 0.6 kg