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copertina di Neuropathology and Neuroradiology

Neuropathology and Neuroradiology

di Huttner - Baering - Fulbright  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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This concise and accessible text helps you put the most advanced technologies in neurodiagnosis to work in a practical context. Compiled by leaders in neurology, neuroradiology, and neurosurgery, the text delivers a concise package of facts for each disease entity, aimed at increasing interdisciplinary communication and maximizing diagnostic accuracy. Detailed coverage for each disease entity includes Clinical Features (including presentation, demographics, prognosis, and treatment), Pathology (including gross and microscopic features as well as ultrastructural, immunohistochemical, and molecular data), and Diagnostic Imaging (including CT, MRI, angiography, nuclear medicine, and ultrasound). Detailed discussions of Differential Diagnosis include both pathological and radiological viewpoints. Molecular pathologic data are incorporated throughout the text to reflect the latest World Health Organization tumor classification and grading systems. Bulleted outline format and consistent organization for each chapter makes essential facts easy to find. Thousands of high-quality, full-color illustrations highlight gross and microscopic pathologic features to aid in visual diagnosis. “At a Glance” reviews preceding each entry include classic images and key facts to help readers grasp and apply vital information. A companion web site lets readers access the continuously updated text, plus the full array of 3000+ images.


ISBN: 9781451119305

Titolo: Neuropathology and Neuroradiology


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 1104