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Neurosurgery Primary Examination Review - High Yield Questions, Answers, Diagrams, and Tables

di Hanna  • 2018  • dettagli prodotto

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Neurosurgery Primary Examination Review: High Yield Questions, Answers, Diagrams, and Tables by Amgad S. Hanna addresses the knowledge gaps in currently existing neurosurgical board study guides. It is based on a collection of highly effective practice questions previously administered to neurosurgical residents at the University of Wisconsin. Each chapter covers two to three topics with 60 multiple choice and matching questions and only one correct answer. The reader-friendly content and layout make it easy to organize and review the complex subject matter in preparation for the ABNS written exam or for educational review.
Section I is divided into 20 chapters with questions followed by answer keys. This section covers anatomy, neurology, pathology, radiology, critical care, neurosurgery, and neurobiology. Chapters 17-20 cover comprehensive exam questions and answers across all specialty areas including sarcoidosis, lead toxicity, central neurocytoma, and prion disease.


ISBN: 9781626234901

Titolo: Neurosurgery Primary Examination Review - High Yield Questions, Answers, Diagrams, and Tables


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2018

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 276