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Fundamentals of Neurosurgery - A Guide for Clinicians and Medical Students

di Joaquim - Ghizoni - Tedeschi - Ferreira  • 2019  • dettagli prodotto

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The aim of this book is to provide clinicians and medical students with basic knowledge of the most common neurosurgical disorders. There is a vast array of signs and symptoms that every clinician should recognize as neurosurgical affectations, allowing them to identify when to refer the patient to a neurosurgeon. In this text, the editors intend to bridge the gap between clinical medicine and neurosurgery, making neurosurgical practice understandable to a wider medical public. The book provides a smooth transition from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and neurological examination to neurosurgery, focusing more on the knowledge underlying neurosurgical practice rather than on surgical technique. The core of the book is composed of chapters discussing each of the most important medical conditions that deserve neurosurgical intervention, providing key information on diagnosis, clinical aspects, disease management, surgical procedures and prognosis. Moreover, complementary discussion of the frontiers and advances in neurosurgery are also covered.


ISBN: 9783030176488

Titolo: Fundamentals of Neurosurgery - A Guide for Clinicians and Medical Students


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2019

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 302