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Neurosurgery Oral Board Review

di Citow - Spinner - Puffer  • 2019  • dettagli prodotto

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The certification by the American Board of Neurological Surgery is considered as the gold standard for neurosurgeons. The final hurdle in accomplishing the certification process is the challenging oral examination. In 2017, the format of the ABNS oral exam was revised to make it more relevant, rigorous, and reflective of recent advances in neurosurgery. Therefore, in the third edition of Neurosurgery Oral Board Review the authors have expanded on the widely acclaimed prior editions.
The user-friendly book is packed with all the essentials that are needed to prepare for the exam. It can be used either for a rapid review a few days prior to the exam or as an outline to organize study preparation. Each chapter starts with a collection of salient facts, followed by cases that simulate the actual oral board experience.


ISBN: 9781684201266

Titolo: Neurosurgery Oral Board Review


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: III 2019

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 376