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Oculoplastic Surgery

di Leatherbarrow  • 2019  • dettagli prodotto

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Oculoplastic Surgery, Third Edition, by Brian Leatherbarrow, reflects more than 25 years of experience and multidisciplinary collaboration in treating patients with a wide spectrum of oculoplastic, orbital, and lacrimal conditions. The third edition builds on the highly acclaimed prior editions, with expanded coverage of oculofacial surgery procedures and management of complications.
The book is pragmatically organized in seven sections and 29 chapters, starting with basic and applied anatomy, followed by procedure-specific sections on eyelid surgery, cosmetic surgery, orbital surgery, lacrimal surgery, anophthalmic socket surgery, and trauma. Updates include an expanded applied anatomy chapter, prevention and management of dermal filler complications, a new approach to the management of patients with acquired blepharoptosis, and the surgical approaches to optic nerve sheath fenestration.


ISBN: 9781626236899

Titolo: Oculoplastic Surgery


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: III 2019

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: RIlegato

Pagine: 716