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Small Animal Internal Medicine

di Nelson - Couto  • 2019  • dettagli prodotto

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With hundreds of images, step-by-step procedures, and a practical clinical emphasis, Small Animal Internal Medicine, 6th Edition offers the foundation and tools you need to properly recognize, diagnose, and treat small animals with common internal conditions. Each section of the text takes a problem-oriented approach that begins with a discussion of clinical signs, diagnostic recommendations, and techniques; and then moves to therapeutic considerations and management. This edition also includes two all-new chapters (neonatology and the effects of specific heart diseases respectively) as well as extensive updates throughout covering new advancements, techniques, and evolving best practices in the field of small animal internal medicine. And with access to the new online Expert Consult, you will have the 360-degree support you need to solve virtually any internal medical challenge.


ISBN: 9780323676946

Titolo: Small Animal Internal Medicine


Editore: Elsevier - Mosby

Volume: Unico

Edizione: VI 2019

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 22x28 cm

Pagine: 100

Peso: 0.4 kg