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Clinical approach to feline dermatologic diseases

di Marsella  • 2021  • dettagli prodotto

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Cats are not small dogs and they are frequently forgotten in the literature. This book is intended to be an easy to use reference for practitioners and dermatology enthusiasts that only focuses on cats and their manifestations of skin disease.
The emphasis will be on problem-based approach with numerous flowcharts and clinical images to provide examples of the various manifestations of skin disease in cats. The prominence is placed on clinically applicable information and experienced based clinical tips to help clinicians troubleshoot the various clinical presentations of skin disease in this species.
Many dermatologic diseases may look alike and the purpose of this book is to help clinicians successfully diagnose the underlying disease rather than empirically treat symptoms. Particular emphasis will be placed on syndromes that are peculiar of cats and the special precautions that need to be taken when prescribing treatments in this species.


ISBN: 9788821450761

Titolo: Clinical approach to feline dermatologic diseases


Editore: Edra

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2021

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 22x29 cm

Pagine: 200

Peso: 1.1 kg