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Atlas of Pediatric Head and Neck and Skull Base Surgery

di Fliss - DeRowe  • 2021  • dettagli prodotto

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A state-of-the-art resource on head, neck, and skull base surgical procedures in children

Pediatric otolaryngology is a rapidly expanding field with remarkable technological advances that have improved the quality of life for young patients. Many highly complex pediatric head and neck procedures are not commonly performed, resulting in a paucity of resources. Atlas of Pediatric Head and Neck and Skull Base Surgery by renowned surgeons Dan M. Fliss, Ari DeRowe, and an impressive group of interdisciplinary innovators fills a gap in the literature. The richly illustrated atlas features a detailed discussion and guidance on groundbreaking surgeries developed and currently performed by top academic surgeons in the field, many of whom contributed to this book.

The introductory section lays a solid foundation of knowledge, with discussion of pediatric anatomy, distinctive topography of the skull base, anesthesia and pain control considerations, and imaging modalities. Fifty-four subsequent chapters encompass a rich spectrum of approaches and pediatric pathologies, organized by head and neck; skull base and craniofacial; airway, voice, and swallowing; trauma; and reconstruction sections. Surgical chapters include an introduction; evidence-based guidelines; preoperative, anesthetic, intraoperative and postoperative considerations; techniques and positioning; extensive references; and more.


ISBN: 9783132414273

Titolo: Atlas of Pediatric Head and Neck and Skull Base Surgery


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2021

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 20x27 cm

Pagine: 617

Peso: 2.1 kg