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Orthodontics and Periodontology - Combined treatments and clinical synergies

di Kaitsas - Paolone  • 2021  • dettagli prodotto

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The increasing demand for complex rehabilitative dental treatments in the adultpatient and in developmental age raises the need for multidisciplinary therapies.
The book is intended to trace the orthodontic-periodontal relationships, analyzinghow orthodontic procedures can enhance the periodontal treatment plan,increasing its predictability, integrating it, interacting in the surgical approach and,at the same time, how Periodontology increases the potential and predictability oforthodontic treatments, synergically completing them.
The Authors describe howorthodontic therapy can also be an aid to implant therapy both as a prosthetic-rehabilitative treatment plan and as a tissue and bone regenerative treatment,obtaining an enhancement of results that can only be achieved with a combinedregenerative orthodontic-periodontal intervention.
Supported by the recentinternational literature, all ortho-perio treatments, the Authors’ orthodontic andstandardized surgical techniques, and biomechanics, are described with the help ofphotographs of clinical cases in vestibular and lingual orthodontic techniques.


ISBN: 9788821455322

Titolo: Orthodontics and Periodontology - Combined treatments and clinical synergies


Editore: Edra

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2021

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 22x28 cm

Pagine: 264