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Neurology . A Clinical Handbook

di Clarke  • 2022  • dettagli prodotto

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Neurology: A Queen Square Handbook is a practical text, for both neurologists and general physicians, in thewards, the office or at home. This book spans the breadth of neurology and its challenges, for those whorequire a rapid resource in accessible language.
The Handbook is also aimed at those considering entering neurology, neurophysiology and neurorehabilitationand for medical trainees and consultants in many specialities. It is an invaluable source for the MRCP, aready-made reference for clinical practice and for the specialist nurse and therapist.
The book deals with essentials - of neuroanatomy, clinical examination, mechanisms of neurological disease andthe major issues of dementia and stroke in an ageing population. More specific aspects of neurology are alsoaddressed, including the specialist fields of nerve and muscle disease, the spinal cord, headache and the cranialnerves, infection in the nervous system, MS and sleep disorders.
The allied disciplines of neurorehabilitation,neuropsychiatry, neuro-oncology, uro-neurology, neuro-otology and neuro-ophthalmology are also covered.The aim is to provide both an introduction and a summary - of general neurological practice and the specialistaspects of neurology and neuroscience.


ISBN: 9781119235729

Titolo: Neurology . A Clinical Handbook


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2022

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 17x24 cm

Pagine: 480

Peso: 0.9 kg