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Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms in internal medicine for dogs and cats

di Fracassi  • 2022  • dettagli prodotto

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The problem-oriented approach (POA) is the method recommended by the Collegeof Internal Medicine to address and resolve medical questions and problems.Hence the idea of creating a book based on algorithms dealing with the mainclinical and laboratory canine and feline clinical abnormalities, using an innovativeperspective.
Each of the 85 chapters begins with a short introduction whichincludes the basic pathophysiological and classification information. By means ofeach algorithm, the clinician is guided, step by step, in carrying out diagnosticinvestigations in a sequential manner, reaching a diagnosis and setting uptreatment. In this book, two useful and innovative aspects were included: colorcodes and links for additional information within the algorithm.
Yellow indicates thediagnostic path, red the diagnosis and blue the therapy; this allows theveterinarian to be guided through the diagnostic labyrinth in order to reach themost appropriate therapy. Inside the red boxes, the list of differential diagnoses foreach problem can quickly be identified.
By following the yellow boxes one canunderstand how to reach these diagnoses, and optimize the diagnostic protocol.Moreover, comprehensive notes, linked to the algorithms by references, give moredetails regarding a specific diagnostic investigation, a particular disease or thetherapy recommended.


ISBN: 9781957260211

Titolo: Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms in internal medicine for dogs and cats


Editore: Edra

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2022

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 17x24 cm

Pagine: 360

Peso: 1 kg