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Managing Tooth Wear - A Comprehensive guide for general Practice

di Shepperson  • 2023  • dettagli prodotto

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General dental practice has never been more interesting, and the field of toothwear satisfies so many aspects of the skills we are trained to use: applying amedical diagnostic model to dentistry, design and artistry, sculpture andengineering, use of innovative technology, and the science of dental materials. Itrequires detective work and lateral thinking, empathy, and listening.
Most of all,it’s about offering confidence and reassurance to patients who are oftendiscovering for the first time that chemical and physical forces are damaging theirteeth. But not all tooth wear needs treatment.
How then, does a clinician make thedistinction, and what drives us to intervene? Does a patient believe they have aproblem, and what is the distinction between physiologic and pathologicwear? Was it necessary when more conservative interdisciplinary solutions wouldbe more appropriate? How can we combine interdisciplinary dentistry, such asorthodontics, to offer less aggressive alternatives to patients?
This book will weighall aspects of the treatment options and the motivation for managing tooth wear.Above all, it focus on biologic, functional, and ethical rationale with the goal ofenamel conservation and protection at the forefront.


ISBN: 9781957260334

Titolo: Managing Tooth Wear - A Comprehensive guide for general Practice


Editore: Edra

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2023

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 22x28 cm

Pagine: 532

Peso: 2.7 kg