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Tooth or Implant? The recovery or replacement of the severely compromised natural tooth

di Bertani - Generali - Gorni - Testori  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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The goal of this text is to provide the reader with the tools for making an informed choiceamong all the available therapeutic possibilities for saving a natural tooth or replacing itwith or without an osseointegrated implant.
The set of strategies for preserving naturalteeth involves complex endodontic retreatments, resulting from previous failures thatcombine anatomical peculiarities and technical errors, including fractured endodonticinstruments or perforations.
Some of these issues can be resolved orthograde, whileothers necessarily require surgical intervention. Surgical endodontics plays a fundamentalrole in the extreme salvage of the natural tooth and must adhere to well-established rulesand procedures to achieve high probabilities of success. The text also examines otherprosthetic-orthodontic solutions to address cases such as agenesis, includingautotransplantation, which involves using a natural tooth extracted from a different areato replace the missing tooth.
A significant part of the volume is dedicated to replacing thenatural tooth with an osseointegrated implant.
In this section, the criteria for selection,timing, and methods to achieve optimal integration are examined, aiming for aconsiderable success rate in terms of implant stability in the bone and the properrelationship between the implant and its associated crown with the soft tissues.
It is acomprehensive guide based on the most modern principles of dentistry, which placedental elements at the center of the rehabilitation process and consider implantcomponents as essential support when teeth are irreparably compromised.


ISBN: 9781957260525

Titolo: Tooth or Implant? The recovery or replacement of the severely compromised natural tooth


Editore: Edra

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 22x28 cm

Pagine: 264

Peso: 1.5 kg