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Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians - Husbandry, Clinical Procedures, Surgical Procedures, and Common Diseases

di Holtgrew Bohling  • 2023  • dettagli prodotto

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Get the big picture on the vet tech’s role and responsibilities in large animal care! A practical, comprehensive guide, Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 5th Edition describes how to set up, assist, and follow through on medical procedures and treatment regimens for domestic livestock.
The book begins with an overview of livestock handling, reproduction, and nutrition, along with the skills required in hospital management.
Following are separate sections on horses, cattle, sheep and goats, llamas and alpacas, swine, and poultry, with each section including chapters examining husbandry, clinical and surgical procedures, and common diseases.
Written by expert clinician and vet tech educator Kristin Holtgrew-Bohling, this text provides an ideal study tool in preparing for the VTNE® and for everyday practice.


ISBN: 9780323877886

Titolo: Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians - Husbandry, Clinical Procedures, Surgical Procedures, and Common Diseases


Editore: Elsevier - Mosby

Volume: Unico

Edizione: V 2023

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21,5x27,5 cm

Pagine: 1152

Peso: 0.5 kg