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copertina di Cardiac MRI - Clinical Uncertainty and Patient Outcomes

Cardiac MRI - Clinical Uncertainty and Patient Outcomes

di Ferrari - Jha - Vidula  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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Pubblicazione prevista per Novembre 2024


Cardiac MRI: Clinical Uncertainty and Patient Outcomes weaves together the essentials of clinical cardiology with advanced principles of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.
This case-based atlas reviews a variety of cases where clinical management was modified after CMR revealed an alternative diagnosis than initially suggested by clinical data. It includes over 40 clinical scenarios covering a wide spectrum of common and uncommon cardiac conditions, and how CMR can be utilized in differentiating these disease processes which often have no other method of being diagnosed.
This book defines how Cardiac MRI can serve as a valuable tool in the diagnosis of complex cardiac pathologies and aid in the complex treatment management of these patients, whilst key points regarding the limitations of cardiac tests (e.g. EKG, echocardiography, stress tests, catheterization etc.) are highlighted.
Additional imaging pearls regarding CMR modalities and image acquisition are also included with each case.Through this book, clinicians in both sub-specialty and primary can understand when to order a cardiac MRI for their patient and the clinical questions it can help the provider solve. The book serves as a reference tool for both cardiologists and radiologists in terms of elucidating how CMR can be utilized as a clinical diagnostic tool to guide management.
Whether you take care of complex patients or interpret advanced imaging modalities, like echocardiography or Cardiac MRI, this book is for you!


ISBN: 9780128244425

Titolo: Cardiac MRI - Clinical Uncertainty and Patient Outcomes


Editore: Elsevier - Academic Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 19x23,5 cm

Pagine: 210