Queenan' s Management of High - Risk Pregnancy: An Evidence - Based Approach
di Spong - Lockwood • 2023 • dettagli prodotto
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€ 162,40

Continuing to set the standard for maternal-fetal practice, the seventh edition of Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy provides practical, clinically useful information on the full spectrum of perinatal care.
Focused on clinical decision-making, this invaluable reference contains authoritative, evidence-based information on the factors of high-risk pregnancy, biochemical and biophysical monitoring, maternal disease, obstetric complications, patient safety in labor and delivery, and more.
With more than 50 concise chapters, this text has been written by leading experts, and contains evidence-based protocols, algorithms, case studies, potential outcome measures, medications, and illustrative case reports to ensure the best possible outcomes for fetal and maternal patients. This text offers clear guidance on the common problems encountered in the day-to-day management of high-risk pregnancies.
The seventh edition of Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy includes new and updated chapters with the most current evidence-based information and protocols available on topics such as infectious diseases in pregnancy, vaping, operative vaginal delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, pregnancies in women with disabilities, maternal anemia, malaria, and HIV infection.
Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy: An Evidence-Based Approach, Seventh Edition, remains an indispensable reference and guide for obstetricians, gynecologists, OB/GYN trainees, midwives, and primary and general practitioners.
ISBN: 9781119636496
Titolo: Queenan' s Management of High - Risk Pregnancy: An Evidence - Based Approach
Autori: Spong - Lockwood
Editore: Wiley
Volume: Unico
Edizione: VII 2023
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 22X28 cm
Pagine: 481
Peso: 1.1 kg